- Log into QuSandbox with your credentials or use the Try for free button to create a new Account.
- Once logged in you will be redirected to the QuMarketPlace which houses curated experiments to try out.
- On the Experiment titled Matlab as a Service click on the View Demo button.
- A new page opens with an option to run the project on QuSandbox.

- Click on Amazon Web Service as this is where your MATLAB session will be hosted.
- Choose the required Machine size (Medium or Large).
Enter the number of hours you want to work on the session in the Duration field.
- Click on Submit to start you session.
- A log screen appears which will print the message Done when the instance setup is complete.
- Click on the Go To Task link on the Log Screen.
- A new page shows the session you ran as a task with the time remaining for the session.
- Click on the Launch button and confirm this will open a new window with MATLAB
- Clicking on the Matlab icon start the application.
- Once started you can find the training code as highlighted below.