This document serves as a reference on how to run MATLAB as a Service on the QuSandbox

Quick Notes

  1. Log into QuSandbox with your credentials or use the Try for free button to create a new Account.

  1. Once logged in you will be redirected to the QuMarketPlace which houses curated experiments to try out.

  1. On the Experiment titled Matlab as a Service click on the View Demo button.

  1. A new page opens with an option to run the project on QuSandbox.

  1. Click on Amazon Web Service as this is where your MATLAB session will be hosted.

  1. Choose the required Machine size (Medium or Large).

Enter the number of hours you want to work on the session in the Duration field.

  1. Click on Submit to start you session.

  1. A log screen appears which will print the message Done when the instance setup is complete.

  1. Click on the Go To Task link on the Log Screen.

  1. A new page shows the session you ran as a task with the time remaining for the session.

  1. Click on the Launch button and confirm this will open a new window with MATLAB

  1. Clicking on the Matlab icon start the application.

  1. Once started you can find the training code as highlighted below.

  1. To close the MATLAB session go back or open QuSandbox, Click on the "Tasks" link on the Menu.

  1. Once on this page click on the Red Stop button to stop your Session.

  1. A log screen will appear showing the status of the job terminating your session as shown below.

  1. Once the log screen shows "Done" your session is terminated.