Last Updated: 2019-12-16

What is QuAPI?

QuAPI is a web application that displays all API services powered by QuantUniversity on Qusandbox. This doc is a guidance on how to use the QuAPI web and the APIs in it.

What you'll do

In this codelab, you're going to use the quAPI web page to explore and use the API. Your will:

What you'll need


  2. Register with your email and login


Current we are not open to public, contact for demo account.


  1. After logging in, click the triangle nearing your account email on the sidebar to expand the personal info tags.
  2. Click QuProfile to view your personal infos.
  3. In the bottom of the page, you could see the information about your keys.
  4. If there are no keys, you are supposed to click the create key button and define the name of it and select APIs this key could access, then create.
  5. You could also refresh the key or update key informations.


Please not expose key to public, and try gives each key as less permissions as possible.


  1. Clicking the QuAPIs in the sidebar, you could say the categories of APIs.
  2. Click data, model etc. in the side bard, to view the support API lists.
  3. Click a specific card to view the details of this API
  4. In the detail page, you could browser the description of the API, swagger style API definition, a demo APP using this API, and a notebook


  1. Copy the API key from your profile page
  2. Choose to run it in the web, notebook, app, or local.
  3. If you want to try it on the web, click the lock button in the swagger iframe, input key in any column and login. Then click try it out for any api and input the values needed. Finally click execute to post data to API and retrieve the results.
  4. If you want to try it on the notebook, click the review code button. Then, you are going to open a notebook kernel with sample code filled. Fill the value of the API key, then run the notebook
  5. If you want to try it local. Download or copy the code local and install the dependencies, then fill the key and run the code.
  6. If you want to try the demo. Click the run demo button, you are going to view a web pages designed for using this API in real use case.Tips