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A schedule in the Model Management Studio refers to a Date-Time Entry that can be attached to a pipeline so that the pipeline can utilize this information for scheduled runs.

A scheduled can be one of two types:

  1. Once: Means the Pipeline will only run once when the start date is reached.
  2. Periodic: Means the Pipeline will run when the start date is reached every "repeat" as specified by the user.
  1. Click on the Schedules Link on the header of the Model Management Studio.

  1. A Table with a list of Existing Schedules are displayed.
  2. To create a new Schedule, click on the "+" button on the bottom right of the Schedules page.

  1. Once clicked a popover appears where you can fill the information to create a schedule.

  1. The information needed to create schedule is as follows:

NAME: A unique name identifier used as a reference for this schedule

TYPE: One of Once/Periodic. Once refers to the case when the pipeline with this schedule attach would run only once when the date-time is reached

START DATE: The Date-Time at which the pipeline should run.

NUMBER OF INSTANCES: The number of physical runs for the associated pipeline.

TIMEZONE: The timezone at which the start date is at.

  1. After filling the information click on the create button to create the schedule.

  1. To schedule a pipeline open the "Create New Pipeline" page from the "Pipelines" link on the header.

  1. Here you can either build or import a pipeline.
  2. Once a pipeline is ready, click on the verify button and then click on the Run button as highlighted below.
  1. Clicking on the Run button gives option to run the Pipeline "Now" or on a "Schedule".
  2. Click on "Schedule" gives a list of schedules to attach to the pipeline. Once the "Select Schedule" button is clicked the schedule will be attached to the pipeline.
  1. Once a Pipeline has been scheduled it is listed In the "Scheduled Pipeline" section Available under the Pipelines Menu.
  2. Refer the below screenshot for reference.

  1. All Scheduled Pipelines have a button titled "View Executions", which when clicked will show all executions pertaining to the scheduled pipeline.

  1. Any Pipeline that is running can be viewed under the "Running Pipelines" section from the "Pipelines" link on the header. (This includes Executions for scheduled pipelines.)

  1. Users can also view the status of the running pipeline from this page by clicking on the pipeline.