"login" will reach out the jdf file and login the system with the user info in the file.

Usage: qusandbox login <username> <password>

Wait until the response : "hello, <username>". Then start exploring.

Run a project as a new instance first and view all the task related information.

Usage: qusandbox runProject

Run a new project and make some change to the project after launching it. Save the project and then starting to create a snapshot for it.

Create a snapshot for a running instance. You need to get the task id of the running task.And get the status of the snapshot. You should wait a few seconds for it to be done.

$ qusandbox snapshot -t <task id> -a <snapshot name>

Usage : qusandbox snapshot -t 174 -a snapshot_test_name

Only when the snapshot status became ‘done' and the details of it have been output, the snapshot has been created successfully.

Run a snapshot project on qusandbox.Input ‘Y' or ‘y' after the question and then choose the number of the snapshot which you want to run.

Usage: qusandbox runproject

Get all the status of every tasks for one stage.

Usage: qusandbox stageStatus -j <jdf id> -s <stage id>